Pete Pinnell

January 18, 2010, Entry Deadline

The Western Colorado Center for the Arts will present a juried/ invitational competition of ceramic artists from across the country.

Exhibition dates are May 14th – June 26th 2010
Deadline for entry is January 18, 2010.
Juror will be Pete Pinnell.
This exhibition is open to all clay artists residing in the U.S.
Artists may enter up to three works, which use clay as the focus material. Works must not exceed 48 inches in any dimension (exceptions will be handled on a case by case basis). Works must have been executed over the last two years and not have been previously exhibited at this location. Artwork entered should not be so fragile that shipment or public display is harmful to the work or the viewer. Accepted work which differs significantly from the submitted images will be disqualified from the exhibition. No accepted entry may be withdrawn prior to the closing date of the exhibition.
This is an open jurying: all images are viewed in an anonymous manner. The Art Center encourages all works to be for sale. Artwork must not be sold prior to shipment to The Art Center unless “NFS” is clearly stated on the entry form.
For more information call 970-243-7337, visit or email [email protected]