by Carole Epp | Jul 31, 2009 | Uncategorized
September 17-19, 2009, Philadelphia, PA
Demonstration Inspiration Conversation
Conference Website
The first Conference Dedicated to Handbuilding with Clay
A Down to Earth Event to benefit the Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF)
This is a demonstration only format not a hands on workshop. There will be cameras set up so everyone can see what the demonstrators are doing from wherever they are seated. There is a maximum of 175 participants.
Hayne Bayless
Lisa Naples
Holly Walker
Sandi Pierantozzi
with Special Guest Speaker William Daley
Featuring:Slab Building, Extruding, Coiling, Pinching, Slip Decoration
An exhibition of handbuilt work from nationally known clay artists
A wealth of practical techniques, tips & advice
An open dialogue with the presenters
Slide presentations, sources of inspiration, pots
Tools, books, community, social events & new friendships
A presentation on body mechanics and movement
This invitational exhibition will showcase nationally known handbuilders from across the country currently working in the field of ceramics. The rich collection of pots represented will feature a dynamic range of forms, encompassing a wide variety of handbuilding techniques and surface designs. From quiet contemplative surfaces to highly embellished and exuberant decoration, this show promises to be a visual feast. Participating artists are: Mary Barringer, Hayne Bayless, Margaret Bohls, Virginia Cartwright, Jimmy Clark, William Daley, Kathryn Finnerty, Michele Ginouves, Gail Kendall, Maren Kloppmann, Allison McGowan, Jenny Mendes, Lisa Naples, Sandi Pierantozzi, Kari Radasch, Holly Walker, Lana Wilson and Liz Zlot Summerfield.
Follow this link to view an online gallery representing the current work of the invited artists:
“HANDBUILT” Organized and Presented by Sandi Pierantozzi
Contact: [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Jul 30, 2009 | Uncategorized
You’ve got to go over to Pru Morrison’s blog BumCrane and check out here latest work. Simply stunning…got to get my hands on one of these…

by Carole Epp | Jul 30, 2009 | Uncategorized

Yup another one to add to the list, this one is by author Richard Jacobs, the author of Searching for Beauty. I’m excited to see where this blog will lead us and the conversations to be had. Already the one quote from the book posted on the blog refers back to a conversation we’ve been having recently here.
““… Is innate talent the ultimate determiner of success, or like so many other human enterprises, does packaging, marketing, the right connections and pandering to popular taste determine success? Do you measure success by the quality of the pot on the shelf or the amount of money in the bank? Can you really have both?..” Searching for Beauty, page 17
Awnsers anyone??? please???
Check out more of Richards writing on his blog Searching for Beauty.
by Carole Epp | Jul 30, 2009 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
500 Raku
Senior Editor: Ray Hemachandra
Entry deadline: Oct. 26, 2009
The centuries-old technique of raku is one of the most exciting and dynamic ceramic processes in use today. Lark Books seeks excellent digital photographs of outstanding current and recent raku ceramic work: creative, experimental, classic, beautiful pieces in all forms, including vessels, plates, sculptures, tiles, and more. The publication is scheduled for release in spring 2011. There is no entry fee, and early entries are encouraged. Download Entry Form here.
by Carole Epp | Jul 28, 2009 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Pandora’s Box
Exhibition Dates: December 10 – January 10, 2010
Deadline for entries: October 5, 2009
Pandora’s Box is an exhibition requiring artists to create work based on the theme of “Pandora’s Box” . In Greek mythology, Pandora’s box is the vessel carried by Pandora that contained evils to be unleashed on mankind — ills, toils and sickness — and finally hope. For this exhibition, the artists are invited to submit their own interpretations of Pandora’s Box and how it relates to the times we are living in today. The submitted work must be based on a container form and the maximum dimension of the container can not exceed 12 inches in any one direction. The work inside may stay within or it can explode from the box, peek outside the box, etc – however, it may exceed the 12” but must fit within the gallery’s limitations (download the full prospectus to read more details about the gallery’s limitations) How it is made and what it is made of is entirely up to the artists. Our juror for this exhibition is Pyramid Atlantic Art Center’s Curator and Director of Programs, Landria Shack. Ms. Shack is a young curator whose focus is on contemporary art. She is also an artist in her own right receiving her MFA from American University.
Download a prospectus
Apply Online (Make sure to read the prospectus in FULL before applying online)
For a hard copy of a prospectus, send a SASE to:
Target Gallery
Torpedo Factory Art Center
105 North Union Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Call: 703-838-4565 x 4
Email: [email protected]