From the website:
“Is craft creating a new culture? The goal of this conference is to investigate the inherent contradictions between craft as a lifestyle and craft as a business. These contradictions are not new to craft. For many, making is a meaningful way of life, but the question is—How can the core values of craft play a role in future marketplace models?

Are we in a crisis? Or in a moment of transition to a new sustainable model that combines lifestyle and business? The whole world is changing—what is craft’s role in it? “Creating a New Craft Culture” will seek to pinpoint craft and the handmade in our constantly changing world.

* Featured presenters include: Dr. Richard Sennett, professor and author, The Craftsman
* Rob Walker, columnist for the New York Times Magazine and author of Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are
* Garth Clark esteemed curator, historian, scholar, and owner Garth Clark Gallery
* Dr. Sandra Alfoldy, Associate Professor, Craft History, NSCAD University
* Tom Patti, glass artist
* Julie Lasky, Editor-in-Chief, I.D. Magazine

October 15–17, 2009
Minneapolis, Minnesota

For further information please contact:
Monica Hampton
Director of Education
212.274.0630 x272