by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2008 | Uncategorized
Deadline February 15
The Works Art & Design Festival is now accepting applications for the 2009 Churchill Square Artisan Market, Edmonton.
The Works Art & Design Festival is the largest art & design festival in North America. Kicking off Edmonton’s summer festival season with over 200,000 visitors each year, The Works is an exciting way for artisans to attract new patrons to the art community. The Works Festival offers artisans a unique opportunity to showcase their craft and promote talents through 3 options – Tents, Co-op Tables or Consignment. Artisans and Designers can safely and securely sell and showcase their craft in one of our centrally located canopied tents.
Please contact [email protected] or call 780-426-2122 ext 234 for more information.
EARLY BIRD DEADLINE February 15, 2009.
FINAL DEADLINE April 15, 2009.
Join Us, June 19 – July 1, 2009.
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2008 | Uncategorized
If you happen to be in Edmonton tomorrow night…
Join Dawn Detarando and Brian McArthur for their free public art lecture on Thursday, December 11 at 7:00 pm

Dawn Deterando

Brian McArthur
Presented by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension.
Room 2-926 Enterprise Square, 10230 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton
Both Brian and Dawn make fantastic sculptural works individually (Brian also currently has a show up at the Alberta Craft Council until the 20th) as well as run a business, Voyager Art and Tile, together in one of the most fantastic studios I’ve seen. This will definitely be worth heading out in the cold weather for!
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2008 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Deadline February 1
Lincoln Arts & Culture Foundation will present its twenty-second annual juried competition of ceramic works April 25 – May 31, 2009 featuring artists residing or working in the United States, Mexico & Canada. This celebratory exhibition of contemporary ceramic art (sculptural, non-functional, functional) will be held on the property of the renowned Gladding, McBean Terra Cotta Factory, and displayed inside an original 35-foot beehive kiln and in the historic architectural design studio. Access to the exhibit is by tour only.
April 25 – May 31, 2009
April 25 – Grand Opening Artists Reception at Gladding, McBean Factory
Tours Begin April 28 – May 31 Wednesday – Sunday 9:00 – Noon every 20 min
1) Feats of Clay XXII™ is open to all artists working in the United States, its territories, Mexico & Canada.
2) Artists may enter up to three works which use 70% clay as the primary medium.
3) Works must not exceed 36 inches or 90 cm in any dimension. – NO EXCEPTIONS.
4) Works must have been executed after January, 2008.
5) Artwork entered should not be so fragile that shipment or public display is potentially harmful to the work or the viewer.
6) Art must be properly prepared and presented for display.
7) Accepted work which differs significantly from the slide will be disqualified.
8) No accepted entry may be withdrawn or sold outside of the show prior to the close of the exhibition.
9) This is an open jurying, and all slides/CDs are viewed in an anonymous manner.
10) All accepted artwork must be available for sale during the show.
Non-refundable entry fees are $20 for one entry, $25 for two entries, and $30 for three entries, payable to Lincoln Arts, upon entry submission by February 1, 2008.
For more information visit the website here
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2008 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Deadline January 21, 2009.
All Canadian artists are invited to visit the Web site for information on how to submit their completed application for Canada’s cultural program at Expo 2010 Shanghai. The Web site also includes the eligibility criteria and the criteria that will be used to evaluate applications. The criteria were established by Cirque du Soleil after consultation with the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Canada Council for the Arts.
Check out or for the most up to date info.
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2008 | Uncategorized

If you can go see this show in person please do, if not take a few minutes to check out the latest body of work by Pru Morrison online. I just can’t get enough of her surfaces and imagery. Pru has such a fantastic sense of humor and her work is layered in personality, wit and politics. You really have to see them in person to truely appreciate them fully. But I guess all great art is like that. Check out her blog for more images and writing.

Marks and Gardner Gallery
69 Main Western Rd, North Tamborine 4272,
Phone 07 5545 4992,
or email via [email protected]