by Carole Epp | Oct 6, 2008 | Uncategorized

If you haven’t yet run across the German magazine NEW CERAMICS then I suggest you make a nice pot of tea and have a bit of a sit down for a read. Okay you likely need a bit more time than that for all of the yummy articles but a cup of tea never hurt anyone. Enjoy!
by Carole Epp | Oct 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
The School of Art, University of Manitoba invites applications for a full-time probationary position in Ceramics at the rank of Instructor 1 beginning January 1, 2009. We seek an artist with a strong commitment to practice and an inspiring teaching style to work within a highly-regarded and growing ceramics area.
Requirements include an MFA in Ceramics, successful teaching experience at the post-secondary level, an exhibition record-ideally at the national and international level, and demonstrated creative excellence.
The successful candidate is capable of working in a wide range of aesthetic, conceptual and technical aspects of ceramics suitable for a broadly based teaching context. This includes safely operating, managing and maintaining a teaching facility that includes electric, wood and gas kilns and a comprehensive clay and glaze materials inventory. The position requires knowledge of ceramic history and practice suitable for teaching in a University context. The incumbent occasionally acts as Area Chair for Ceramics and must possess qualities suitable for this administrative capacity.
The University of Manitoba encourages applications from qualified women and men, including members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Please submit:
1. letter of application;
2. curriculum vitae;
3. maximum of 20 high quality images of your work and 10-15 of your students’ work on CDROM-jpg format [Mac and PC readable];
4. image checklist;
5. statement of teaching philosophy and practice;
6. outlines for ceramics courses taught;
7. names and contact information for three referees;
8. checklist of submitted material;
9. SASE if you want materials returned.
The School of Art offers BFA and BFA Honours degrees in art history and studio, and has an MFA program in the implementation stages. An integral part of the vibrant and dynamic Winnipeg art community, the School has 42 full and part-time faculty and approx. 400 students in programs with a reputation for producing outstanding artists and scholars:
Send application materials to:
Ceramics Search Committee,
School of Art,
203 FitzGerald Building-Box CAUT,
The University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada.
Review of applications starts at Monday, November 3, 2008 and will continue until the position is filled.
Application materials, including letters of reference, will be handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Manitoba).
by Carole Epp | Oct 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
Ergon Energy 2008 Art Awards
The Rockhampton Art Gallery announces a call to artists to enter its 2008 Ergon Energy Central Queensland Art Awards.
This prestigious competition offers $15,000 in acquisitive awards plus additional purchases by the Gallery and sponsors from the finalists’ exhibition, which will be held 12 December 2008 – 8 February 2009.
Entries are invited from ceramic artists for the $10,000 Ergon Energy Award for a ceramic art form.
As well, young artists (between the ages of 18-26) are invited to submit entries for the $5,000 Charles Ware Award for Young Artists for works on paper.
The deadline for entries is Friday 10 October 2008.
For the downloadable entry form all all info regarding eligibility and the application process check out the website.