by Carole Epp | Oct 29, 2008 | Uncategorized
The Alberta College of Art + Design is one of only four publicly
funded Canadian post-secondary institutions devoted exclusively to the
advanced education of visual artists and designers. The college has
recently entered into a vital new phase in its development and
embraced a new mandate and vision that endorse a model of the
institution as a laboratory for experimentation and as a catalyst for
cultural development and creative inquiry into the arts and emergent
cultural fields.
The college welcomes applications for the upcoming 2009 – 2010
academic year for the position of:
Visiting Artist/Instructor – Ceramics (Competition 0809-OC-FT-21)
Eight (8) month appointment – over two (2) semesters from August 17,
2009 to April 30, 2010
To complement existing instructional resources, the successful
candidate will instruct four (4), six (6) hour long studio courses at
all levels of the undergraduate BFA in Ceramics program. In addition,
the individual will receive a stipend (in the amount of $16,000.00)
for relocation expenses, participation in Ceramics program activity
and developing their personal research/studio practice. The successful
candidate will be required to mount a solo exhibition/presentation of
their research/studio practice at the college.
The successful candidate will have: an MFA or an equivalent degree or
combination of education and professional experience in ceramics,
previous teaching experience, a professional exhibition record as a
ceramist, excellent technical skills and a wide knowledge of all
aspects of the discipline, with a particular regard for the
international ceramics profession. Applicants with a studio practice
and teaching experience in pottery are particularly sought for this
academic year.
Please submit applications by February 13, 2009 including: letter of
application; the names/email/ telephone contacts of three (3)
referees; a current curriculum vitae; Two statements, one outlining
teaching philosophy and practice and one regarding studio and research
practice; twenty (20) images of recent studio work accompanied by a
corresponding numbered list including titles, medium and size (all in
C.D. format) to:
Alberta College of Art + Design
1407 – 14th Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 4R3
Fax: 403.284.6236
E-mail: [email protected]
Submitted materials will only be returned if accompanied by
appropriate self-addressed envelopes/containers with suffcient
Canadian postage or prepaid courier shipping forms.
For further information about the college, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
and this position please visit our web site at Alberta
College of Art + Design is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes
expressions of interest from all qualified applicants for
consideration for this or other suitable vacancies. While we thank all
applicants in advance for their interest, please note that only
applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. In situations
with several qualified candidates, preference will normally be given
to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
by Carole Epp | Oct 22, 2008 | Uncategorized

Yours truly will be showing at Prime Gallery in Toronto next month along with some other amazing artists: Brendan Tang, Courtney Chapman, Julia Hepburn, and Robin Tieu. Take a minute to check out their work at their websites or stop by the show!
by Carole Epp | Oct 18, 2008 | Uncategorized
Don’t forget that NOV 7th is the deadline for Emerging Artist Nominations.
And for the students out there: NOV 17th is the deadline for the 2009 Regina Brown Undergraduate Student Fellowship Nominations and the 2009 NCECA Graduate Student Fellowhip.
NOV 17th is also the deadline for exhibition proposals for the 2010 conference in Philadelphia.
If you haven’t heard yet, NCECA has updated their website, you should take a minute to check it out, it’s a definite improvement and full of pictures too!
by Carole Epp | Oct 16, 2008 | Uncategorized

Well today is blog action day and I’m sadly finding myself at the last minute making a post, is it better late than never? If you don’t know about blog action day please check out their website. Basic idea is to unite bloggers all over the world once a year to discuss a certain topic, create awareness and dialogue, and hopefully action and change. Over the day I’ve been trying to think about this year’s topic in relation to ceramics – a stretch i know, but I try to keep the blog ceramic related. I shouldn’t have bothered though as the topic needs not, and benefits little from being trivialized. I am a very lucky person that I have the means and the skills to live my dream as an artist as I’m aware that there are so many that struggle each and every day just to survive. Reminding myself of that means that I will winge less on the days I don’t get into the studio, or when the kiln is an utter disaster. I’m not going to go on a political rant or commentary in this post. I don’t want to trivialize the struggles and the pain. But am writing a post, bringing the issue to the table as a simple reminder to me, and maybe to you as well of the blessings in our lives. My list is long, longer than I deserve. I hope you as well are blessed, with family, health, freedom, creativity, hope and happiness. I am taking a moment today to think about poverty, the miriade of interconnected issues that cause it and my role and responsibility to help in anyway I can.
Best wishes to all.
by Carole Epp | Oct 13, 2008 | Uncategorized
Application Deadline: 5:00 pm, November 30th, 2008 (local time).
Award winners will be announced January 1, 2009.
For over 30 years, the One of a Kind Show has been helping artists and craftspeople from across the country to make a living out of their passion. We know it can be a challenging thing to do, especially in the early stages of a career. And we want to do more to help!
The One of a Kind Show is excited to introduce a brand new awards program to help develop the careers of emerging artists and craftspeople. The awards are presented in partnership with the Crafts Association of British Columbia (CABC), the Gardiner Museum of Ceramics , the Harbourfront Centre Craft Department , the Ontario Crafts Council (OCC) , and the Textile Museum of Canada .
There are five awards:
The One of a Kind Award for Excellence in Craft (Eastern Canada), presented by the Ontario Crafts Council
The One of a Kind Award for Excellence in Craft (Western Canada), presented by the Crafts Association of British Columbia
The One of a Kind Award for Excellence in Ceramics, presented by the Gardiner Museum
The One of a Kind Award for Excellence in Glass, presented by the Harbourfront Centre Craft Department
The One of a Kind Award for Excellence in Textiles, presented by the Textile Museum of Canada
For more information on the awards, eligibility etc check out the full call for submission at akimbo.
For more details on the application process, go to the One of a kind website.
Questions? Contact Heather Read by email at [email protected] , or by phone at 416 960-4511.