by Carole Epp | Apr 16, 2008 | Uncategorized

ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center is currently hosting an exhibition of work by SUSAN BEINER titled: SYNTHETIC REALITY. Runs until August 2nd.
Just to entice you here is a bit from the gallery statement:
“What you see is not always what you get. In our digitized, photo-shopped world, reality is often altered and manipulated. Reality television shows seem unreal. With today’s technology, many products we use daily are manufactured with artificial materials or manipulated DNA aided by scientific processes, reshaping what was once all natural. Biotechnology allows for genetically altered foods grown in controlled environments, gene splicing produces cloned animals and hybridization of consumer products has changed our lives forever. Ethical issues continue to challenge these advancements. What are the costs of scientific efficiency versus environmental and health concerns?”
I’m always interested in ceramics that explore beyond the material properties yet use and subvert that material and its history to enrich a contemporary context/issue/discussion, and/or political stance.
You should also check out her amazing work on her website. I particularly love the images of the works before bisque, always nice to see work before and after, first as a neutral palette and then as the artist envisioned it in their minds eye.
by Carole Epp | Apr 16, 2008 | Uncategorized

Tye River Pottery will be hosting an international conference May 30 – June 1, 2008. The conference will be an opportunity to hear eight internationally renowned wood-fire potters discuss their experience firing together. The following potters will be on the panel: Robert Compton, Kevin Crowe, Stephen Driver, Vicki Hansen, Mark Hewitt, Micki Schloessingk, and Jack Troy.
If you have questions regarding this conference, please email at [email protected]. Or speak with Kevin Crowe or Krista Loomans at Tye River Pottery: 434-263-4065.
Kevin Crowe
1289 Falling Rock Drive
Amherst, VA 24521
Check out the website for all the conference details and registration forms.
by Carole Epp | Apr 10, 2008 | Uncategorized
Quick addition to the previous post about Vipoo is that he has joined the blogging world. So do make sure to add his blog found here to your list of reading!
by Carole Epp | Apr 10, 2008 | Uncategorized

The Town of Matera and The Cultural Association Genius Loci announce their call for entries for 1st Edition of the International Competition for Ceramic Whistles – 2008 Città di Matera
The Competition is open to individual and schools with no age limit. Each competitor may submit a maximum of six works (whistles) which may be created using any ceramic technique. Works must not exceed 20x20x25 of their dimensions.
More information icluding all the rules and guidelines check out their blog
or contact:
Tina Festa, Ass. Culturale Genius Loci – Matera through their website or by e-mail: [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Apr 7, 2008 | Uncategorized

Or if Saskatchewan isn’t your neck of the woods, how about Melbourne?
Later this month Uber Gallery will be hosting an exhibition of new works by Vipoo Srivilasa (one of my personal favorites, I love the humor and the politics of his work).
For the FUTURE
Runs from April 30 to June 1st with an opening 6.30 on the 30th.
From the media release:
“In this particular series, Srivilasa continues exploring the inherent commonalities between the cultures of his native Thailand and his new home of Australia, only this time the emphasis is on global warming and the damage caused to the coral reef of both countries due to greed and over consumption. He uses the coral reef issue as a link between the two places, as both face similar problems.
As Srivilasa emotionally expresses “…The works express my concern toward what happens to the world right now, especially to the coral reef where my heart belongs. The reef is where my alter ego, Mermaid, lives and now it’s being threatened by global warming. By making this series of work, I hope to increase the general public awareness of the importance and value of the living coral reef ecosystems and perhaps highlight their problems!”

Make sure to check out Vipoo’s website for more about the artist plus some great images of past work, workshops he offers and news of the upcoming events he’s involved with.
Über Gallery,
52 Fitzroy St,
St Kilda Vic 3182
(03) 8598 9915