Through a unique linkage, the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, and West
Virginia University have teamed to offer a comprehensive study opportunity
for the serious advanced or professional ceramic artist/potter/student.
The Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute is considered to be China’s finest ceramics art and design school.

Space is available for 15 -18 participants who want to work and study with
some of China’s most prominent teachers and ceramic artists. This is a rare
moment in time for the serious student potter to touch those historic roots
as well as connect with the inspiring energy of artisans past and present.

China Summer Program
6 Credits
Summer Semester I – 2008
May 24 – June 30* (Dates may vary slightly)

China Semester Program
12 Credit Hours: Graduate or Undergraduate
Fall Semester 2008
September 7 – December 14* (Dates may vary slightly)

If interested please check out the website
Contact us at:
Bob Anderson or Shoji Satake
West Virginia University
College of Creative Art
Division of Art
Creative Arts Center
PO Box 6111
Morgantown, WV 26506
email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Tel: (304)293‑ 4841×3135